Wednesday, July 7, 2010

"You're Not Your Job"- Tyler Durden Explains...

You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world.”- Fight Club (1999)

You must separate these two in your mind despite what TV, advertising, radio, magazine, and other forms of social conditioning tell you.

You see, through social conditioning, many men believe in “the system” to drive their success with women.  They want to believe that by going to work, making money, and doing things that build their value superficially, and think that their problems with women will be solved.

Please understand that I’m not bashing or discouraging you from setting goals, and striving to achieve making money, becoming a doctor/lawyer, bodybuilding, and the plethora of other pursuits in life are awesome, and can add value to your life.  I respect many people that have achieved amazing things, and dedicated their lives to improving society. But, make these pursuits and goals FOR YOU, and no one else.  Don’t set goals or strive to achieve things with the ulterior motive that it will help your success with women.  It won’t.  You must separate these two in your mind despite what TV, advertising, radio, magazine, and other forms of social conditioning tell you.

Money, nice cars, clothes, muscles, watches, jewelry, and houses are all awesome.  I enjoy nice cars and I have a nice watch, but the point is, if you’re looking to draw confidence from these things, then it’s an empty path.  Ultimately, these things are hollow and unsatisfying.  Living up to society and other people’s standards can give you a temporary fix of confidence, but will not give you a real sense of value or self esteem.  Only YOU can bring that from within, and give yourself permission to be happy.

If you follow my other posts and this blog, you may see the connection and why this is important to picking up and attracting beautiful women.

All of these elements mentioned are external factors that you may attempt (consciously but mostly unconsciously) to base your value as a man, and core confidence off of.

But, when you derive your confidence from within, you will be absolutely DEADLY with women.

To Your Success,
Brittan Benz